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Prompt Responses (Not a story)



In February of 2014, the Jixemitri site started a thread on their message board that really took off.  The idea was every day there would be a word or short phrase to inspire people to write a small snippet.  These are my responses to some of these prompts.  Not all will be used in any of my stories.  They may inspire a universe or may become a prompt for someone else to explore varying ideas.




Greatest Fear and Question

Misc Prompt Responses


In March of 2014, a prompt challenge was started.  An idea was supplied and people were asked to write short snippets to go with them.  The idea normally is a snippet can help an author break writer's block or jumpstart a new writer.  In my cases, certain ones have lit fires in my mind about stories I started some time ago.  So, hopefully you will find some of these snippets in amongst my stories as I try and expand my Stories from Sleepyside Universe. 


Please enjoy.






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